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- Counselor's Corner
Welcome to the Counselor’s Corner,
My name is Renee Schneider and I am a Taylor High School graduate with a passion for inspiring, equipping, and empowering our Ducks to achieve their full academic and social-emotional potential. I graduated from Texas A&M University and earned my Master’s Degree through Angelo State University. This is my 16th year in education. Before becoming a counselor, I enjoyed teaching at Northside Elementary and Pasemann Elementary. I live in Taylor with my husband of 30 years. All four of my sons are graduates of Taylor High School!
I am excited to be providing services to the students at TH Johnson again this year. The counseling program will empower all students to achieve their full academic, social, and personal potential to be career, college, and community ready.
The students will come with their class to my classroom for a lesson each month that will focus on skills to improve their success in learning. Individual and small group counseling sessions are also available to cover topics such as self-control strategies, school anxiety, positive friendships, advocating for self, and going through transitions/change.
I look forward to watching each child at TH Johnson develop leadership skills so that they can go on to do great things!
Renee Schneider, M.Ed.
Please feel free to contact me at rschneider@taylorisd.org