• Hello Ducks! I am so excited to be serving as a counselor at Taylor High School this year. I previously taught English here, and I'm honored to return as a counselor. It's great to be back! 
    As a military kid, I grew up moving around quite a bit, but I've lived in the Austin area for almost 17 years now. I graduated with a BA in English from LSU. I also studied Spanish while in undergrad and completed a summer study program in Cuernavaca, Mexico. My master's in counseling is through Angelo State University.  
    I have a 13 year old son who will be starting his final year of middle school this year. Our absolute favorite thing to do is to travel, and we do so as often as we can. I also spend a great deal of my spare time making pottery, and I am always reading a book or two. 
    Again, I am so happy to be back at Taylor High School, and I am looking forward to a great year.  Please reach out to me if I can support you in any way!