
Phone: 512-352-6326 x 6032


Degrees and Certifications:

Christy Hortenstine

College Career Military Readiness Specialist


  • Christy Hortenstine joined the Taylor Independent School District team as the College Career Military Readiness Specialist in July 2021. She comes to us from Temple College where she was the Coordinator of Student Enrollment Services. Christy has over 9 years of experience working with students transitioning to college.  She has been an active part of the Taylor community for over 25 years and is passionate about helping our students.

    Christy's educational background includes graduating from Bronte High School, Texas A & M University with a Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communication and Public Relations.

    Christy is married to David Hortenstine, a local realtor.  They have three children.  Lauren is a kindergarten teacher at TH Johnson Elementary, Matt is in distribution sales and Mason is a student at Texas A&M University.




Degrees and Certifications:

Kari Schroeder


Mrs. Schroeder's Counselor's Corner

    First of all, know that you are greatly missed!  I would love to keep up with you and answer any questions you have at this time.  Our website will have updates about things such as scholarships, testing, and online resources if you are struggling, plus more.  
    If you would like to talk please email me at  AT ANY TIME and we can set up a Zoom meeting.
    Watch this to see a little message from me: 
    The following are resources if you need to reach out to someone during this difficult time:
    Williamson County Mobile Outreach Team 
    (512) 864-8277
    Williamson County Crisis Hotline
    National Suicide Prevention Hotline and Hopeline
    1-800-273-TALK (8255)
    1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
    Bluebonnet Trails Community Services 
    (512) 255-1720
    Children's System of Care
    (877) 652-7624
    YOU WILL MAKE IT THROUGH THIS TIME!  Please let me know if I can help in any way.  MISS YOU!!!!!!
    Mrs. Schroeder
    Welcome to Mrs. Schroeder's Counselor's Corner Page!
    It is a privilege to be at Taylor High School!  My husband and I both graduated from Taylor High School and are proud that our four children are being educated by the same school district that we were. I have a 10th, 7th, 4th, and 1st grader. (And a 1 year old double doodle.). I began my career teaching elementary and this is my second year as a high school counselor.  I am honored to be in this position and I look forward to the many memories I know we will all make.
    Please come visit my office any time, call me at 512.352.6326 ext 6022, or email me at 




Degrees and Certifications:

Laurie Morris

Laurie Morris