- Taylor Independent School District
- Child Development Center
- Required Forms
Early Childhood Education
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Below is the paperwork required for admission to the CDC. (Please select 'more' at the bottom of the page to see all of the forms)The form titled "Enrollment" needs to be turned in as soon as possible, with a $50 deposit, in order to hold your child's spot for the school year.All of the other paperwork is to be turned in at Meet the Teacher; you will be contacted via email with more information about this.The "Safe Sleep" and "Infant Feeding Plan" forms are only required for children under 12 months old.All children must have an updated immunization record in their file in order to start care. If you are having issues obtaining this, please speak to the director.
**Scanned Admission Form
This version of the form can be used if the other version will not open for you.
Physician Signature Form
A letter from your child's physician stating they are ok to attend daycare can be used in place of this form.