- Taylor Middle School
- Scheduling Information
2024-2025 School Year
2025-2026 Course Selections
2025-2026 TMS Course Selection Timeline:
2/19 - Parent/Guardian Informational Meeting
- Virtual Meeting @ 12:30 - 1:30pm (for link to join, see TMS Newsletter or email from your campus)
- Topic: Detailed information about the course selection process, timeline, course offerings, etc.
2/24-2/28 - In-Class Course Selection Presentations & Course Selection Google Forms Open
- 2/24 - Current 7th Graders
- 2/25 - Current 6th Graders
- 2/26 - Current 5th Graders (NPE)
- 2/27 - Current 5th Graders (MSE)
- 2/28 - Make-Ups for TMS students who were absent
3/6 - Course Selection Forms Close & Lock @ 4pm
- Changes can be made on the Google Form until 4pm
- The Course Selection Google Form can be accessed through the TMS Counselors' Google Classroom - if you are a parent/guardian, please ask your student to open the form and show you their choices on their iPad, phone, or any device you have at home. Choices can be edited on the form (make sure you hit "submit" if changes are made) until Thursday, March 6th @4pm. Forms can be edited as many times as needed before the deadline.
- Please note: Students will have a very short window at the beginning of next school year to request a course change, if they change their minds after turning in their course selection forms. Changes cannot be guaranteed, but we do our best to accommodate requests when possible. Please encourage your student to choose their classes carefully this spring!
2025-2025 TMS Course Selection Parent Presentation
- 2025-2026 TMS Course Selection Presentation Slideshow (English)
- Presentación de diapositivas de selección de cursos TMS 2025-2026 (Español)
2025-2026 TMS Course Selection Forms
Please Note: Students will submit course selections via our Google Form - the forms below are for informational purposes only. Please DO NOT submit these forms.
- Rising 6th Grade Course Selection Form (preview only - do not submit)
- Rising 7th Grade Course Selection Form (preview only - do not submit)
- Rising 8th Grade Course Selection Form (preview only - do not submit)
2025-2026 TMS Elective Description Guides
Please Note: Course availability is subject to change. These guides were last updated 2/17/25.
- 2025-2026 6th Grade Elective Description Guide
- 2025-2026 7th Grade Elective Description Guide
- 2025-2026 8th Grade Elective Description Guide
- Guía de descripción de electivas 2025-2026 (todos los niveles de grado)
Personal Graduation Plans (Current 8th Graders Only)
The Personal Graduation Plan (PGP) process will begin in January, 2025.
- A PGP is a 4-year course plan that the State of Texas requires students create before they enter 9th grade. The plan is meant to make sure that students have a starting point with their course plans that will lead to high school graduation and help them get ready for post-secondary education/training.
- This plan is a tentative plan and changes can be made to it when they are in high school, if needed. High school counselors will be happy to answer any questions related to when changes can be made once students enter high school and what that process looks like.
- If your student has applied for Legacy ECHS already or is hoping to attend LECHS next year, we will still create a PGP for them based on Taylor High School courses, just in case they ever need it (if you ever move out of the district or change your mind about what school they will attend, etc.). All 8th grade students will create a PGP this spring.
2024-2025 PGP Timeline:
- 12/17: TMS Counselors will host a parent/guardian meeting to review the information that will be shared with students during our PGP lessons and answer any questions about the process, what to expect, etc. *PLEASE NOTE: If you were unable to join us for this meeting, you can find a recorded presentation and the corresponding slides in the TMS Newsletter*
- 1/13-1/14: TMS Counselors will deliver lessons in 8th grade CCR classes outlining what a PGP is, the graduation requirements for high school, courses/programs offered at Taylor High School, and how we will go about creating their 4-year PGP over the next 4-6 weeks.
- 1/21: TMS Counselors will begin meeting individually with each 8th grade student to create their PGP. We will make a plan for their high school courses so that students have a plan to start with at high school. The plan will be shared with parents/guardians to be reviewed, adjusted as needed, and then approved. PGPs are shared with high school counselors so that they know what programs and classes students are most interested in.
- 2/20: THS Counselors will come to the middle school to confirm each 8th grader's course choices for next year. At this point, any changes that students/families would like to make to the PGP or their 9th grade course selections will be made by their THS Counselor.
Please feel free to contact your student's TMS Counselor with any questions or concerns! If you have any questions that you feel might be best addressed by a high school counselor, please see below for their contact information:
Taylor High School
- Last Names A-J: Mrs. Schroeder (kschroder@taylorisd.org)
- Last Names K-Z: Mrs. Baldauf (mbaldauf@taylorisd.org)
- Section 504: Mrs. Morris (lmorris@taylorisd.org)
Legacy Early College High School
- All Students: Mrs. Bartoli (rbartoli@taylorisd.org)
Access to TMS Schedules
- During the school year, you will be able to access your student's class schedule through the "Parent Self-Serve" portal.
- Need to set up your "Parent Self-Serve" account? CLICK HERE to view a setup guide.
- During the school year, if you forget your schedule you'll be able to look it up through the "Student Self-Serve" portal.
- We highly recommend taking your paper copy and putting it somewhere you wont lose it, like the front of a binder, etc.
Schedule Changes
If a student would like to try to change one of their classes, there will be a brief window to do so at the beginning of the school year.
The window for Course Change Requests is 8/14 - 8/21.
No Change Requests will be accepted after 8/21/24.Procedure for Requesting a Course Change:
- Students may pick up a Course Change Request Form on the table outside the nurse's office (in the cafeteria)
- Students should discuss their desired change with their parent/guardian
- Students may return the completed form to the box (also on the table outside the nurse's office) until 3:50pm on 8/21
- Counselors will call students down to discuss possible changes and see if it will work with their schedule as forms are received
Announcements will be made regarding how to request a course change and where the forms are located to ensure all students know where to find the forms and that the deadline to turn one in is 8/21/24.
Contact Us
Mrs. Smith (Alpha A-L)Mrs. Martin (Alpha M-Z)