• What is the official attendance time?

  • What is the required documentation after an absence?

  • How do I submit a doctor’s note after an absence due to an illness?

  • What should I do if my student is absent due to a severe illness or treatment?

  • What information should I include on all excuse notes?

  • What do I do if my student is mark absent in error?

  • What kind of note is required?

  • Who should I email my parent note to?

  • How does my student obtain the form for Driver’s License Attendance Verification (Secondary Only)?

  • What happens if my student has 3 or more unexcused absences?

  • How does attendance impact my student’s credit, final grade, or being promoted to the next grade level (all grade levels)?

  • What do I do if my student is late to school?

  • What do I do if my student needs to leave from school early?

  • Does my student need to sign in again to get back into school after signing out?

  • Does my student need a note for a religious holy day?